Friday, December 18, 2015

The quote

I like this quote because it is Derrick rose and he is my favorite athlete and because it is an inspiring

The best gift

Last year my brother got tickets to a bulls game and they were good seats. They were meant for my brother his friend and his girlfriend, but she got sick and instead of taking his friend he took me and my cousin. They won the game and I will remember that for a long time

Thursday, November 12, 2015

A Tale Dark and Grimm

So... This book was actually pretty good. If you are like me than you are a picky reader. I like ironic, funny,  and like this one pretty dark hence the name. This book was all of thiose funny, ironic and dark. It is the story of hansel and greatly but with a twist. The original story is they run away, find a house made of cake, a witch takes them in and tries to eat them at the end; but this book has more. It has what happens after and before, before the prince that turns into a king has kids named hansel and Gretel . Wait... Why am I tell you, you should read it.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Slowing the Kite Runner

This book is good so far. The main character's perspective is a teenage boy, his name is Amir and he lives in a modern Afghanistan. His family has lots of money but his best friends family doesn't. His mother is dead. It has an amazing plot I would recomend it to anybody that like realistic fiction

Friday, September 25, 2015

My Culture My Life

Hola, mi nombre es Luis, that means hi my name is Luis. As you might be able to tell that was Spanish and I'm Mexican. My dad moved to America when he was a child in Michoacan but my mother was born in america but my moms family was born in Zacatecas . I have grew up with Mexican culture like the food, the music, and the holidays. I celebrate American things too like Fourth of July, it when my family does it we tie in some Mexican culture as well, for example speaking Spanish, eating foods, and music. After all of this my family can do things from our roots like other families do.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Outside the Outsiders

Before I talk about the theme I just want to say how good this book was, I liked how the conflict built up, when you thought one part was the climax turned out a different part was the climax. Example when johnny killed bob was apart of the climax then the church burned down and Johnny and Darry was in the hospital. I think the theme is staying strong because the main character Ponyboy, he has been jumped multiple times, cut his hair when it was apart of his image and two of his friends dies

Friday, September 18, 2015

Inside The Outsiders

I really like this book because it has nice description on the characters, like in the begining when the author wrote "soda is movie star handsome, the kind that people stop on the street to watch go by." Also the story makes sense, I hate when I get lost in a book I only like to re read something if I like it